
4 Church Street, Deerfield NH (603) 463-7187

Scan the sky with our lending telescope! Any family with a library card can come and borrow our telescope to check out the surface of the moon or the moons of Jupiter.  Loan of the telescope is for a week, with an automatic renewal if the skies are cloudy while you have it. 

Our lending telescope is a special model modified by the NH Astronomical Society specifically for libraries to lend. It’s user-friendly and comes with complete instructions. This wonderful opportunity for budding astronomers was paid for entirely by Mal Cameron, formerly at the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium, and an avid star-gazer.

Consider borrowing a book on the planets or a guide to the stars while you are at the library (you’ll find them in non-fiction, 523.4 to 523.8, or ask a librarian for help).